Clinical Rheumatologist certified in 2004 and recertified in 2010 and 2014 by the Mexican Board of Rheumatology. Master in Clinical Science since 2014. Active member of the Mexican College of Rheumatology and Pan American League of Associations of Rheumatology. Chief of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Laboratory Department in the National Institute of Rehabilitation and as Associate Professor of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Diploma course at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM). Interested in the study of musculoskeletal clinical anatomy; collaborates and coordinates the Mexican Task Force of Clinical Anatomy of the Mexican College of Rheumatology in addition to the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound activities. Publishing since 2008, total journal publications 73. Chapters in books: 16.
Auditório Dr. Wiliam Chahade (8.A | 1º mezanino)
09:00 às 13:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
10:00 às 10:30 - O punho e a mão – Sonoanatomia
Auditório Dr. Geraldo Gomes de Freitas (3.B | 2º mezanino)
09:00 às 18:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
09:45 às 10:15 - Afecções da mão e no punho