Dr. Johannes Roth has been a pediatric rheumatologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) since 2007. He is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa and the Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at CHEO. He is a very active member on various committees and professional societies nationally and internationally with a focus on musculoskeletal ultrasound. Dr. Roth is a co-founder and former President of the Canadian Rheumatology Ultrasound Society. He is leading several national and international projects on the standardization and validation of pediatric musculoskeletal ultrasound. This includes his role as chair of the CARRA pediatric ultrasound group and pediatric representative on the board of the PANLAR ultrasound group. He served on the ACR RhMSUS certification program. He was on the Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists (USSONAR) board, a non-profit program that trains rheumatologists and rheumatology fellows in MSUS. He serves as director and faculty on several national and international MSK-US courses as well as arranging cadaveric based interventional MSK-US courses for the Canadian Rheumatology Ultrasound Society. He is the chair of the steering committee of Ped-MUS, the pediatric rheumatology initiative on musculoskeletal ultrasound, a global initiative on the implementation of ultrasonography into clinical practice.
Auditório Dr. Wiliam Chahade (8.A | 1º mezanino)
09:00 às 13:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
09:15 às 10:00 - Introdução à ultrassonografia MSK: por que usar, aspectos técnicos e específicos na pediatria
Auditório Dr. Wiliam Chahade (8.A | 1º mezanino)
09:00 às 13:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
11:30 às 12:00 - Tornozelo e pé – Sonoanatomia
Auditório Dr. Geraldo Gomes de Freitas (3.B | 2º mezanino)
09:00 às 18:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
09:15 às 09:45 - Afecções na pediatria: sinovite e entesite
Auditório Dr. Geraldo Gomes de Freitas (3.B | 2º mezanino)
09:00 às 18:00 - Ultrassom Pediátrico
15:30 às 16:00 - Afecções do pé e tornozelo
Auditório Dr. Pedro Nava (3-4.A | 1º mezanino)
16:00 às 17:00 - US em Critérios Diagnósticos de doenças
16:45 às 17:00 - PED-MUS - Brazilian launch of an internacional initiative to enhance the clinical assessment through ultrasonography
Auditório Dr. Evandro do Egypto (2.B | 2º mezanino)
11:00 às 12:10 - Remissão nas artrites crônicas da infância
11:20 às 11:40 - A imagem na remissão da doença